Beginner’s Guide to Heat-not-Burn
If you are new to Heat-not-Burn and need help getting started, then this page is perfect for you. All you have to do is read and watch all the steps below.
STEP 1 – The Basics
Watch this video to help you get started with some basics about Heat-not-Burn.
Beginner’s Guide to Heat-not-Burn – IQOS or GLO Video
STEP 2 – Pick a device.
Here’s where you’ll choose if you are going to use a GLO or an IQOS device.
First, do a quick search online to see if IQOS or GLO is offered in your country. If you only have one, (ex. Only IQOS is available), then that should be your device and you can move on to step 3. If on the other hand you have both GLO and IQOS then you need to decide between the two. Here is the next video to help you choose.
IQOS vs GLO video
STEP 3 – Pick your device type – Here is our recommendation. You can also click on the device name to see the full review.
For IQOS you’re going to get either the IQOS 2.4+ or IQOS 3 DUO
For GLO you’re going to get the GLO Pro
STEP 4 – Choose the right HeatStick for you
Here we suggest you buy a few HeatStick types within your local market so you can find the perfect flavor. Otherwise, you can click to see the full list of heatstick flavor for IQOS and GLO.
STEP 5 – Switching successfully
Watching this last video will help you switch to successfully Heat-not-Burn. It will give you realistic expectations and strategies.
Switching to Heat-not-Burn for the first time tips – IQOS or GLO VIDEO
Perfect! You are ready to go! Don’t forget to come back and let us know how it all went for you. Also, if you find that this page is missing any useful information, please comment below to let us know. This ensures that the next person will get a better experience.
💡Tip for heavy smokers, please watch the video.
Question: I am a menthol smoker and they don’t have menthol in my country?
Answer: You may need to order your HeatStick outside your home country. This may or may not be possible depending on your counties. For example, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, and the USA don’t seem to be a problem so far. You still need to check your local rules even if your country is on the list.
Question: Is Heat-not-Burn safe?
Answer: Heat-not-burn is not without risk, but the consensus agreement right now is it is 89% safer than smoking.
Question: I have IQOS and GLO in my country but I also have other brands (ex. Lil, Ploom, etc). Which one should I pick?
Answer: If you have more choice, then that is great! Go to our YouTube channel or use the search bar at the top of this page to find out more about other options.
Question: Do you have any vaping recommendations?
Answer: We only specialize in Heat-not-Burn, sorry. Vaping is a great alternative to smoking, check online and we are sure you will find something that will help you.
If you could not find your question above, then please post it in the comment section below and we will answer for you quickly.